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Vetrate Arte Sacra

Holy Stained Glass

stained glass for cathedrals - churches - chapels

vetrate artistiche dell'abside della cattedrale

Stained glass windows of sacred art

Sacred Artistic Stained Glass Windows for Churches and Chapels
Among our works we also include greatcreations for churches and cathedrals in Italy and abroad.
In over thirty years of uninterrupted activity we have conceived, designed, built and installed thousands of stained glass windows,
many of which have a religious theme.
The stained glass windows of sacred art are often, but not always, made with the traditional techniques of grisaille painting and fire enamels. on glass, often blown, bound in lead.
This technique guarantees, in addition to an extraordinary color rendering, inalterability over time and protection from atmospheric agents. The glass tiles painted in grisaille are cooked at 650 degrees thus incorporating the mixture of color.
It is the same pictorial technique that allowed the ancient stained glass windows to reach us almost completely intact.

Stained Glass for Churches
The traditional technique of church windows is certainly that of grisaille painting on blown glass.
Few laboratories know the correct implementation procedures,
materials, oxide mixtures and cooking temperatures. They are small alchemies that still retain some mystery.
Unfortunately, adhesive films, photographic prints on glass, uncertain cold paints, disfigure churches and places of worship are often seen.
Often it is not even a question of economics but only of a superficial approach to an art, often defined as minor, which is found in representation
of the sacred its highest form of expression.

vetrata artistica disegnata da michele cossyro
vetrata artistica d'arte sacra

Stained glass technique for church
As already said, the stained glass windows of sacred art are often made with the technique of grisaille painting on blown glass (see grisaille painting technique),
painting represents the master technique for sacred stained glass windows. However, it is not the only way to create stained glass windows for churches.

Apart from glass painting it is present in many churches, stained glass windows made in the dalles technique (see technique of stained glass from the de verre) or, to a lesser extent, stained glass windows engraved in bas-relief.

We design and manufacture stained glass windows at the request of customers, we replicate works of art. It is also possible to choose the style, from medieval to baroque, from contemporary art stained glass windows to the Byzantine style, all thanks to a deep knowledge of the technique and iconography of sacred art.

Estimates and first drafts free of charge.

Cappella Gentiizia
Parrocchia Regina dei Gigli
Cappella Privata
Abbraccio di Cristo
San Michele Arcangelo
Cappella Gentilizia
Cappella Gentilizia
Cappella cimiteriale
Madonna Addolorata
Madonna della Seggiola
Cappella Privata
San Eliseo San Elia
Cappela Cristo Sacro Cuore
Cappella Privata

Stained Glass for Votive Chapels

The stained glass windows for votive chapels and the stained glass windows of cemetery art in general, are often the few expressions of "customizable art"
The stained glass window is often a predominant part of the building of the chapel, both because
often occupies an entire wall, both because it is the only source of light.
Light has always, but never as in this case, an extreme symbolic force.
Even if grisaille painting is to be considered the "master technique"
It is possible to create stained glass windows in mixed techniques, for example with glass fusing inserts.
Particularly in demand are sand engravingsdelicate and elegant.
Cold painted windows are strongly discouraged with enamels for glass because they do not guarantee durability and indelibility to atmospheric agents.
However, it is good practice insert the windows in double glazing to avoid condensation
and to keep the panel safe.
The cost per square meter for religious or sacred art stained glass windows can vary from
700 Euros to 2500 Euros + VAT

Free estimates and first drafts.

immagine vetrata arte sacra
 Vetrarte di Paolo Corpetti
 Via Amendola 86b 00013 - Mentana (Roma)
 Tel +39 068175381 -
 P.I. 08470030589 - C.F. CRPPLA65A04H501Q
foto vetrata artistica tonda
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